It was great to join Cllr Rebecca Paul (Tadworth, Walton & Kingswood, Deputy Cabinet Member for Levelling Up at Surrey County Council), and Jonathan Lord MP in Sheerwater today to recognise the amazing levelling-up work going on in that area. To make it even better, Surrey County Council has submitted a £12m bid to round two of the government’s Levelling Up Fund, aimed at improving walking, cycling and bus facilities.
A successful bid would mean more space and safer links between Woking town centre, Sheerwater and West Byfleet for walking and cycling. Crossings and paths would be improved, along with the introduction of new parking facilities for cycles and free cycle schemes to support residents to travel more actively.
Funding is also being sought to improve east Woking’s bus shelters by installing live departure screens and making them more accessible.
I agree with Jonathan that it is great to see Surrey County Council and Woking Council working together to deliver the East Woking Transport Scheme that was begun under the previous Conservative administration. I know that he'll be doing what he can to promote the bid in government and fingers crossed that it gets the go-ahead.